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Life Insurance

The foundation of a sound financial plan includes the ability to provide financial support for your family, your business or for those you care for most.

Life insurance can help you achieve your goals through monthly or annual payments in exchange for a tax-free, lump sum payment upon death.


Get the plain talk about life insurance.

Life Insurance Made Simple

Life Insurance Guide

Manulife LogoClick for quick quote.

Manulife LogoClick for another quote.

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6 reasons to Buy Life Insurance

1) To Pay Final Expenses


2) To Cover Children's Expenses


3) To Replace the Spouse's Income


4) To pay off debts


5) To Buy a Business Partner's Shares


6) To Pay off Estate Taxes


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Insurance To-Do List

If you're unsure of how much life insurance you need, talk to an insurance specialist who can help you with the calculations.

Find out what insurance benefits your employer offers before you go out and buy additional insurance. Also, compare the cost of the insurance from your employer to what you can purchase externally.



Insurance underwriting

Most people are familiar with the first step in applying for insurance - completing an application. But most probably aren't as familiar with what comes next, when that application moves on to the insurance company. This next step is called underwriting.

For more information - Call Andy at 780-425-4058.

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